Space4CC presenting space and citizen-generated data for Ukrainian cultural heritage under threat at the conference

On November 24, 2023, Kateryna Boichenko, representing the Space4CC team, will give a talk at the online conference “Culture in Modern and Contemporary Times: Research, Preservation, Socialization” that is hosted by the Institute of Balkan Studies and the Center of Tracology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the A.Y. Krymsky Institute of oriental studies at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. 

Kateryna will present Space4CC’s work on space and citizen-generated data for Ukrainian cultural heritage safeguarding, bringing to the fore innovations and breakthroughs in this field together with the latest developments on Space4CC’s online tool!

The presentation also reflects the joint collaboration between Space4CC and the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), especially its researchers Thanasis Koukoulis and Charalambos Chatzidiakos, who have united their forces to develop Space4CC cultural heritage monitoring tool!

Check the presentations’ slides here.

Space4CC work on space data for cultural heritage will be further expanded in the framework of the EU-funded Data4UA project!


24 November 2023